Corby's Party Book

We already established back in July with my Southern Comfort post that I'm not a drinker, but that still won't stop me from posting this fun 20-page booklet by Jas. Barclay & Co., Limited (published sometime in the 50's or 60's obviously) called "How to Be the Grand Host." Half of the booklet contains your typical booze recipes for whiskey sours and mint julips etc, but the real gold contained here are the wonderful illustrations accompanying the six "fascinating games" pages. I especially love how Corby's decided to skip the usual "sexy girl / rugged adventure male" youthful appeal angle of most alcohol advertisment, and instead fill it full of old bald antiquarians lounging around together and playing silly parlour games like the "Mighty Goliath" and "The Great Profile." So here ya go you crazy party peeps, now you too can become the life of your next swingin', All-Grandpa, 23-Skidoo, Super Shin-dig!

UPDATE: I've started a new job this week, so AEET posts (and at THOIA too) might be a bit sparse here and there depending upon my schedule. I do promise to continue delivering quality posts though... just a heads up, thanks for stopping by!

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