Christmas '79

This'll be the last of the 70's xmas pix for awhile, mainly cuz I'd like to get back to the cutesy designy junk instead of doofy pix of me as a lil pajama brat! And we'll jump ahead a few years to 1979, aka The Christmas When I Got a Bunch'a Star Wars stuff, plus-- some TCR Total Control Racing action, Mattel handheld Basketball, and the Mad Magazine board game! This was also the year I got a subscription to Mad Magazine!! (not pictured.) Need I mention the sleeveless puffy coat and cowboy hat? Nah, maybe I shouldn't. My siss got some good stuff too-- dig that Barbie Star Traveler under the tree! I included a bonus pic of me and my two grade school chums having an obvious blast with Santa... I'm not exactly sure what year this was tho, possibly '77 or '78. 

Next up: Cutesy Designy Junk!

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